When I first came to Pauline B. Grant CME Church as its pastor; I asked God for a vision for this great church. Where and what did He want this church to go and do; He told me to tell its member’s that Pauline B. Grant CME Church is “The Potter’s House” and we are to seek out those who are lost!
Throughout this year’s Lenten Season our primary focus was directed towards our efforts in lifting up the name of Jesus and all that He has done for us. John 12:32; Jesus said, And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me. Then and even now; most readers my understand what Jesus said as lifting up His name in praise. However; reading more of what Jesus is saying would reveal that He was talking about His death and resurrection. Him being raised up on the cross and the third day; praise God!!
Yes; we are correct in lifting up the name of Jesus in praise and admiration for all that He has done for us. Yet; let us not forget that it is in His death and resurrection that we have the full weight of our redemption in the form of salvation. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son; that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life” – For god sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through Him might be saved!!
The purpose of “The Potter’s House” is a place where those who are lost will have an opportunity to embrace salvation and be put back together for the glory of God. It is also a place where those who are born again will have an opportunity to take part in that process by laboring in God’s Vineyard so that all that they do and say will bring glory to God. At “The Potter’s House” yesterday; Ten (10) lost souls came forward to give and commit their lives to God and were added to Christ’s Church!
Now this number might be a small number to some but when you consider that we are a small church; this number is a number that is a great number. We thank God for any soul that comes to Him for salvation and we thank God for those Saint’s that committed their time; efforts and prayers to ensure God is glorified, His church is edified and the enemy is terrified. This is our purpose!
God bless,
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